Friday, October 12, 2012

Parade of Recent Work

Fallen soldier and scoutmaster Kevin D. Grieco is honored by his father and son, left, and local scouts at Camp Big Timber.
Jacobs H.S. color guard members practice before a performance in Hampshire.
US Army PFC Eric Luna, 20, surprises his sister Ivette in her sophomore English class at Dundee Crown High School.
Omar Sanchez munches an ear of Mexican corn on the cob at a fundraiser at Sunny Hill Elementary School.

Part 1: General Assignments

I have sorted the next 5 posts into categories of recent work from the past 5 of 6 weeks. One of the downsides of being busy is not having enough time to share work on my blog, but that is a good thing. In this first post are a few images from some general assignments.

I have always believed that how you handle the average everyday assignment is the true test of a really great photographer. Sometimes you find a great moment and other times you need to use just the right lens and find just the right angle to make something you can go home with.

Here are a few from some recent work for the Courier-News.


All photos © 2012 John Konstantaras / Courier-News • Sun-Times Media

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