Wednesday, February 10, 2010


November 8, 2009; first tumbling meet of the year.

No this is not pro wrestling, just a little more trampoline and tumbling. I have wanted to play around and shoot on the RAW camera setting for a while now so I went to a meet Sunday and shot some photos of our 5 Star athletes.

The advantage of RAW is you have way more control over the image when you go on the computer to edit. You can adjust exposure by a few stops and even better you have a lot more control adjusting the color balance of the images. This is especially helpful when lighting constantly changes during a shoot. In a high school gym some spots are daylight balanced and others can be florescent, sodium vapor or tungsten or a mix of all of the above.

The downside is the files take up way more space, it slows your motor drive speed down, and it takes longer to edit.

But the end result can be far better photos. There was a lot of daylight in this gym so

Here are 3 tumbling photos from the meet.


All photos © 2009 John Konstantaras

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